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What are User Teams

User Team - Planning - link user to it

Charles Convent avatar
Written by Charles Convent
Updated over a month ago


A ‘user team’ is a team or group of users. Users can be linked to 1 or multiple user teams. Some of these users can be marked as managers, one user can manage multiple teams and one team can have multiple managers.

User teams can be used to regroup users with certain specialities like the ‘repair team’ and the ‘maintenance team’. But it can also be used to simply manage a certain group of users, regardless to which service area or skill they are linked to.

For user teams, the idea of the setup is principally to allow Team managers to have similar features as Service area managers. In other words, to see certain users in some dropdown filters and to be able to ‘group by teams'. So a manager will see all the users in his teams, even if he is not a manager of the organization or service area.

For a manager to plan for his team members it makes sense to see all the work orders preferred for his team members.

>>>> Contrary to service area's, linking a user to at least one team is currently NOT mandatory in Wello. Also a key difference, user teams are not filtering the data available on the mobile app, as service area's do.

>>>> Don’t confuse with the “team leader/assigned to team leader” concept. This feature has only an effect on the planboard, where it will group every technician assigned to the team leader, under this team leader. By clicking on the black triangle that is displayed next to the team leader (displayed on the plan board), it will expand to show the team members assigned to him.

Where do I manage User Teams?

Each new domain comes with at least 1 ‘default’ user team which can be renamed.

To create, edit, remove user teams, user needs to go to the Settings >> Manage your team >> User Team

Where can I link a user to a user team?

Assigning a user to one or multiple user teams, and making the user manager of those teams, is done in the User details, TAB “Assigned to'. All future changes are executed here as well.

If the user needs to be linked to all user teams now and in the future, it is adviced to make him manager of the service organization. In this case, this user will also be manager of all current and future service areas.

What is the benefit of using user teams?

1) Planning

Organizing your technicians according to user teams, increases the efficiency of your planners. On the planboard, users for which the user setting “show on planning” is enabled, will be displayed and, can be grouped by User Teams. Users assigned to multiple teams will appear multiple times on the plan board (for each team they have been assigned to).

Since it is not mandatory to assign a user team to each user, some users with setting “show on planboard” AND no specific user team, will be displayed under the “No group” group. ONLY managers of the service organization are able to see this “No group” group.

2) Management

A special right is to enable a user as manager of 1 or multiple user teams. If a user needs to be manager of all current and future user teams, it is adviced to make him manager of the whole service organization. In this case, note that he will also become manager of all service areas.

Remark: a user team can have multiple managers.

When a user is manager of a user team, this user acquires extra rights to manage other users.

Extra rights on the Planning

If this “manager of” user is allowed to access the planboard, he/she will be able to see all the users linked to the user teams he/she is manager of.

Similarly, this manager will see all the work orders linked to suggested WO users assigned to those same user teams. In other words, when creating a work order and adding one or multiple suggested users to this work order, if one of them is in a user team the “manager” user is managing, he/she wil see those work orders, in addition to the work orders of service areas he/she is as well manager of.

Special use case: a user who has the setting ‘show on planning’ enabled and has access rights to the planning BUT IS NOT manager of any user team (and service area), will only see him/herself and will only see work orders where he/she is mentioned as preferred/suggested user. If there are no such work orders, this user will see no work orders at all, except those planned on him/her.

Extra rights in WO search

A user who manages one or more user teams will have the following capabilities when accessing the Work Order search page:

  • They can search for all work orders associated with suggested users who belong to the teams they manage.

  • They can view and filter work orders based on users assigned to those teams.

  • Additionally, they will have access to all work orders and users linked to the service areas they manage.

In summary, the user will see:

  1. Work orders associated with the service areas they manage.

  2. Work orders that include suggested users assigned to the teams they oversee.

Work order creation

When creating a new work order, suggested technicians list will show the users assigned to the teams (or service area’s) current user is managing.

Extra rights in Task search

Similarly in the task search page or kanban, this user can see tickets assigned to users linked to user teams he manages, or filter on those users.


Read more about managing technicians.

Read more about service organizations

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